The Power of Performance
Something amazing happens when students rise to the challenge of new music, in new venues alongside new friends. They grow as both performers and young adults as they work hard to make incredible music together. Whether they're delighting audiences in hallowed...
Welcome to the AOM Family, Massachusetts!
Meet Your State Coordinator: Tim Anderson We’re thrilled to announce that students in Massachusetts will now be eligible for nomination for our Ambassadors of Music program! Tim Anderson, director of the Minutemen Marching Band at the University of Massachusetts...
Bonjour! Guten Tag! Hello, Mate!
Greetings, AOM travelers! During your European adventure, you’ll be immersed in a language or two that you probably don’t know. (If you’re already fluent in French or German, color us impressed!) Experiencing a new language in a foreign country is incredibly...
The Impact of Travel
Breathtaking. Life-changing. Confidence-building. Traveling the world and sharing music on new stages impacts students for life. As they navigate new languages, foods, currency and culture alongside new friends and roommates, Ambassadors of Music students grow in...
Destination Close-Up: England
Welcome to England. Your British adventures will take you to royal residences, hallowed spaces, iconic landmarks, and picnic perfect gardens. You'll explore ancient castle grounds, charming villages, and vibrant city blocks. From the countryside to the banks of the...
Build Your Bucket-List: Must-Have Treats and Snacks on Tour
We’re just weeks away from our first Ambassadors of Music experiences of the summer and the countdown is on! You’ve packed, you’ve planned, you’ve daydreamed – but have you made a list of the foods you absolutely have to try on tour? We love...
The Countdown: May 2024
You’ve been waiting and planning and daydreaming for months now – the big day is almost here! Departure day is just a few short weeks away, so the real countdown is ON. Here’s a quick recap of everything we’ve talked about as we gear up for this summer’s adventure:...
Sneak Peek: Austria
Goodbye Germany, “hallo” Austria! Our Austrian home for the next several days is Bad Hofgastein, a resort village nestled in the Gastein Valley of the Central Eastern Alps. In the winter, this area is a skier’s paradise, but your visit will be marked by lush,...
Sneak Peek: Germany
Switzerland stole our hearts for a few days, but not to worry – there are more daydreams of our European adventures in store for you. Our dreamy Swiss experience ends with a beautiful dinner party, complete with delicious food, local music and, of course, the...
The Countdown: April 2024
April is here and this month’s post brings us that much closer to departure day! After our last two posts in February and March, you should be in serious countdown mode and have taken care of a few things, especially… Your passport. You have it,...